Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ice Cream Anyone? is finished

I finished drawing "Ice Cream Anyone?" this afternoon while it was raining.  We are blessed to have the privilege of living in the mountains surrounded by woods. In my opinion, there isn't any place more peaceful during a rain shower.

However, yesterday morning the construction crew removed the old roofing shingles from my new studio in preparation for the new roof.  Of course, it rained yesterday afternoon - a real "gully washer".  We got over an inch.  They had left the felt lining on the roof, which is waterproof.  However, they failed to notice the 1000 or so nail holes that no longer had nails in them. Ooops! Can you imagine a colander turned up-side-down on my studio instead of a roof? Yep, my studio was drenched on the inside.

Bert and I opened the windows this morning and put several fans in there to help dry it out.  Thankfully we were able to put a couple of tarps over the roof this afternoon just as it was starting to rain again. No colander effect this evening.  Phew! By the way, the studio is still completely empty with cement floors and no drywall on the walls yet. 

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