Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buddy is finished!

After a few finishing touches this evening, "Buddy" is now complete.  I am very pleased with the way he turned out, and I think he will be a good example of my work to display at art shows.

Now to decide on my next project.... hmmm.  I have downloaded several pictures from the Wetcanvas website in the last couple of days, and at this point, I am leaning towards doing another still life. Then again, I may surprise myself and go in a completely different direction.  We shall see.  :-)

Here is "Buddy", painted in oils on a 12 x 16 stretched canvas.


  1. Great job with Buddy! I would take him home with me! You captured a sweet personality! The whiskers are just perfect - how did you do that???

  2. Rosemary, I took a Loew Cornell 7350 liner brush and cut off about 2/3 of the bristles. It only has about 6 or 7 hairs left on it. That is what I used for the whiskers, tiny hairs on his chin, and spit bubbles on his lower lip.
