Studio Pictures

This is the first thing you see on your left
as you enter the studio.
The storage cart is on wheels,
and was purchased at Office Depot.
the studio

My folding fabric cutting table
sits along the far wall.
How do you like my tile floor?
It is self stick vinyl tile that I
laid myself.  I think it is the perfect color.

My drafting table sits between the windows.
An identical storage cart sits under
the far window.

My studio easel sits in the corner.
The rolling table I use as a taboret is
actually a laptop cart from Office Depot.
Doesn't it look like a meal table
from a hospital?

My sewing machine sits in front of
the back window.  How do you
like my view?

I strung phone wire between the shelves
to support my canvases and empty picture frames.
This shelving unit was purchased at
Home Depot.